Love Life ...

It all started in the college when Vijay was doing his second year BE. Sindhu joined the college at 2nd year, as her dad got transferred to this city. Vijay is one of the bright students in the college, not only in the academics but also in other extra curricular activities, not less to say his looks, coz he was equally good looking as well. Vijay had a great fan following in his college and lots of girls had severe crush on him, including Sindhu ...

There was a mid year review examination at the college and knowing the fact that Vijay is good in Microprocessor, Sindhu approached him for a clarification, and that's the first time, both were formally introduced to each other. Vijay was simply knocked off by her beautiful sharp nose, which was very prominent and that’s the first thing anybody could notice on Sindhu on their first look. Sindhu got her doubts clarified and thanked him for that, before she left, she asked him, whether he is into Orkut, the next moment Orkut id's were exchanged.

Vijay went home and the first thing he did was to add Sindhu to his friends list, but Sindhu was even quicker, he already got an invite from Sindhu. He went thru her profile and also her testimonials, most of her friends have appreciated her on her beautiful smile and her kind hearted nature. Sindhu too checked his profile and read his testimonials where lots of his friends pointed out his sense of humour. Sindhu was quick to scrap him saying "Hey brainy, thanks for adding" and followed by a wink, Vijay was equally fast to respond saying, "No issues Angel ...". Orkut database has seen so many love stories like this and while Sindhu was about to reply the next scrap, Orkut winked saying "Bad Bad Server, No donuts for you".

The next day at college was eagerly awaited by both of them, Vijay who normally used to dress smart to college, has dressed even smarter today, and pumped few extra units of blood in all the other girls heart. Sindhu who on the other hand has already formed a fan club for her, and guys were mad about her, but the general topic in entire college was that, both Vijay and Sindhu are made for each other. Vijay has now started to go with Sindhu for all coffee breaks, lunch breaks and he actually distanced himself from his usual friend’s gang and even his gang encourages him to go with her.

They both got to know each other well and they have now gelled as a unit. Both of them took an oath saying, they will concentrate hard on their studies and come out with flying colors. Though the entire college knows that they both are in love with each other, but both of them did not make it so obvious. It was all over for the other girls and guys at the college and they too have made up their mind that Vijay and Sindhu cannot be separated and no point in trying hard to impress them. The final year was very demanding and both Vijay and Sindhu worked hard and cleared their degree with distinction. Well, if all the good omens are with you, no one can do anything against you, yes, both Vijay and Sindhu were recruited as "Junior Software Engineer" in the same company.

Sindhu and Vijay used to meet at a common point near guindy and then will board the train together to get down at Sanatorium, their office was located at MEPZ. Vijay was put into a Mainframe project and Sindhu was put into a Java project. Sindhu once again became the apple to many people in the company, but Vijay was not so lucky in that sort at office. They both have to sit in two different units and they could hardly meet each other at office, and also Orkut was not allowed as per the company policy and hence their only means of communication was thru SMS.

Years rolled on, both of them were very busy in their own life, but the love and affection towards each other has not reduced even a bit. Now both of them have become Project Leader's and they were equally appreciated by the management for their good work. Sindhu was asked to go on a long term with one of her clients, she was not ready to miss Vijay anymore, and so she said she will not be interested, on the other hand Vijay too got an opportunity to go the US which he refused to undertake. They both decided to meet at a near by cafe in the evening, just to discuss their next course of action in their life, yes, it’s about their marriage.

Sindhu and Vijay had a serious discussion about their future and they both know that they can’t be postponing such good opportunities that come on their way and hence they decided to break the shell at their houses and get married, or at least get engaged. Vijay too felt that its right time he opens up this topic at his place. Both are working and both are earning a handsome amount, and also both belong to the same caste and community, so practically there should not be any issue in both of them getting married, but they too know that, things may not be that easy as they think.

That day in the evening, Sindhu opened up the topic with her dad and mom and as expected there was a big NO NO from them initially, on the other side Vijay too opened up the topic with his parents and was gifted with a similar reaction as like Sindhu's parents. Both of them were off to work the next day and there would have been 100s of SMS that would have been exchanged that night and AIRTEL is so thankful to such lovers and their parents. Vijay and Sindhu thought that initially things might be a bit bumpy, but both were confident that they can convince their parents. Suddenly there was a gear shift in both the houses and alliances were searched for both of them at a rapid speed.

Sindhu and Vijay decided that there must be someway to stop them, and what else could be the better one, other than accepting their onsite offers, both of them decided to take up their onsite offers, Sindhu was asked to go to Australia and Vijay was put at the US, as everyone knows, distance just increased their affection and bondage and nothing has changed a bit between them, both of them has constant SKYPE chats and regular scrap exchange in Orkut. Time just went on and they both have to return to INDIA, which they were happy from one side and scared on the other side when they think about their parents.

Things were equally scary as they expected, both the parents have not changed even a bit, as like them, and they were so adamant and against this marriage. Sindhu and Vijay decided to take the extreme step, as they were not in a position to convince their parents, they know that their act is a timid one, but they have no choice, they both decided to consume poison at a particular time at their house, so they called each other on their cell phone and at the count of three, they decided to consume that, there goes 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...

Immedieatly the Actor stood up from his seat and asked that director to get out, screaming, "What non-sense story is this ? My fans will not accept me if I act in such stories, I may not be interested in doing this, I am sorry"


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