Amrita's Tag ...

1.Last movie you saw in a theatre?
Hmmmm, "Vel" (Just for Asin)
2.What book are you reading?
The Name is Rajinikanth (I am reading that for a longgg time now)
3.Favourite board game?
Paramapadham :)
4.Favourite magazine?
Anantha Vikatan
5.Favourite smell?
The smell you get when you clip off the stem of a beetle leaf, hmmmm wwooowwww ...
6.Favourite sound?
The variety of sounds I hear early in the morning of all these cute little birds which lives in my apartments bamboo tree. Awesome.
7.Worst feeling ever?
Losing self confidence
8.What is the first thing you think when you wake up?
GOD, and pray for a minute or two
9.Favourite fast food place?
Bombay Halwa House (Chennai)
10.Future child's name?
If its a guy, Dhanush
If its a gal, Sindhu or Sandhya
11.Finish this sentence " if i had a lot of money i'd..."
Pay my debts and start an old age home with the rest, So that i can stay there when I am old.
12.Do you drive fast?
Yes, I do.
13.Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Oh yaa, Its my sweet little Tweety Duck
14.Storm cool or scary?
If I am inside the house, Coollll, If I am outside, then Scary!!!
15.What was your first car?
Santro, Zip Plus.
16.Favourite drink?
17.Finish this sentence "if i had the time i would?"
Listen to all Illayaraja / SPB songs
18.Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Whats that ??
19.If you could dye you hair,which colour would it be?
I would rather die, than applying dye. Be natural always. Silver strings are a sign of maturity, so I would leave it as it is.
20.Name the different cities /town you have lived in?
Chennai, Bangalore
21.Favourite sports watch?
Cricket, Tennis (If Sharapova or Steffi Graf plays)
22.One nice thing about the person who sent you this?
I actually copied it from one of my fellow blogger's blog :) She only said that any one can fill this questionniare. But I am an admirer of her blog and she write damnn cool stuffs.
23.Whats under your bed?
24.Would you like to be reborn as yourself?
Nope, I want to be reborn as a DOG. I wanna live a dogs life.
25.Morning person or night owl?
Combination of both
26.Over easy,or sunny side up?
Over easy
27.Favourite place to relax?
Any temple which is inside a remote village where no one comes..
28.Favourite pie?
Saravana Stores "pie", that actually is strong and sterdy and holds more weight ;-)
People who I want to tag this are - Chandru, Meera, Bhavana, Chandri, Lavs, Radhika, and Vidhya.


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