The Best Gift ...

Vineeth was calm and composed than what he used to be and all his fellow mates noticed that change, but did not want to ask him or talk to him. Vineeth is supposed to be the most jubilant and happiest person in their room, so his unusual calmness created a kind of a vacuum in the room, finally one of his friend tried to change is mood, and he asked him to come out with him for a walk, so that he will feel relaxed. Vineeth too needed a change, so he agreed to go for a walk. They walked towards an open ground, where trespassers would not be allowed. Vineeth never shared any personal details about him to any of his roommates, also none of them forced him to disclose any such details as well ...

His friend told him that he is a mechanical engineering graduate and fate chased him so badly that he was jobless for almost 10 years even after completing his degree, he then divulged himself into some unwanted activities and a kind of lost his way and character in his life, but he added that he has no regrets for that and he comfortably placed the blame on this society. He started narrating his story to Vineeth, the way he was brought up, the way life was when he was young and how good he was during his college days and also about his first love. Vineeth chose to be a silent spectator, his friend who has seen only the bubbly side of Vineeth could not stand this somber face, but little he could do to cheer him up.

His friend slowly started to ask him about his personal life, he said, he need not say anything if he chose not to do so, but this time Vineeth wanted to share all the secrets he had and he felt that he will feel better if he shares that with someone. Vineeth started narrating his story and that visualized as a new scene in cinemas in the mind of his friend, also in a while all the fellow roommates joined them to hear his story. Vineeth is a doctor by profession, he hails from the interiors of tamil nadu and he did all his education in a tamil medium school, he was a bright student and he always excels with very high marks in all the subjects, his school was very confident that he will come up great in life, and that expectation came true as well.

Vineeth cleared his schooling with flying colors and though he had all his education from a Tamil medium school, he got admission in one of Chennai's leading medical college, which is an English medium. His dad, mom and sister gave him a teary send-off from their village bus stand and Vineeth travelled to the city which mesmerizes any one. Vineeth got his seat in scholarship and hence he need not pay any fees throughout his course, he was allotted a hostel room as well, where he had to share with 3 other guys who are from a well-off family and guys who would scream "Mummy" and not "Ammaa" even if you stamp them hard on their leg, they are spoken English which Vineeth could hardly understand.

He had a dream in his mind, he need to do well in this course and come out as a doctor and go back to his village to serve them. He worked hard and just concentrated only on studies and nothing more than that, but you never know when a girl would come in to you and make you feel restless and go sleepless, similarly in Vineeth's life too, there came an angel by name "Sahaana", she is the daughter of a normal "coolie" who picks-up luggage in the railway station, but she was the apple to many people eyes, but she never bothered to even look at them. Vineeth was bright in his studies and so is Sahaana, anatomy is the subject which united them, Sahaana used to come to Vineeth to clear her doubts on anatomy and Vineeth too would be happy to clear them for her. Their friendship turned to be a deep relationship and they figured out that they both have this wonderful chemistry which could take them long in life.

Vineeth changed his dressing, changed his hair style, changed in glasses, in short he changed the way Sahaana would like, Vineeth picked up his English speaking skills as well and he actually mastered it at one stage. They both were considered as "Made for each other" in their college and they too liked to be known that way. Both of them concentrated hard on studies and never allowed their age or love to hinder their studies. It was the final year in college and all aspiring to be doctor's were preparing hard for the final exams, Vineeth and Sahaana were very confident that they both will be clearing the exams with ease, and also they were depressed over the fact that they both have to depart to their respective homes and there will be very less change of meeting each other frequently. They both decided that they are going to settle well in their career and then they are going to get married, with that oath they wrote the exams, cleared them and became doctors. Fate does not like taking "Oath", it always plays a spoilsport on any oath and this oath too is no different.

Vineeth started a clinic in his own village and Sahaana got a job in one of the leading hospitals in Chennai, their hectic work distanced both of them and at one stage they hardly used to talk or meet or even think about each other, but that love still remained strong in their hearts. Sahaana's parents started to find a suitable pair for her and none of her dame excuses were entertained at her place, at one stage she was married to a doctor in the US and Vineeth could just be a visitor to that marriage, he gifted her a flower bouquet which was as heavy as his heart and both of their eyes opened up tears and it was wiped off before someone notices that. All lovers who got separated would name their kids by the name of their sweet love, so do Sahaana, who named her son "Vineeth"

Vineeth became the most leading surgeon in his field and once he got an opportunity to visit the US where Sahaana lives with her husband, knowing the fact that Vineeth is coming to the US, she wanted to meet him very badly. She called him up one day as a sweet surprise and asked him if he can come to LosAngeles, Vineeth who had come here for a conference chose to fly to LA from NY just to meet his ex-lover. Both of them met each other after nearly 15 years, Vineeth looked the same with the exception of few grey hairs flashing on his mush and head, Sahaana had completely changed, she was fat and bulky, her eyes have developed dark circles around them, he face had more wrinkles than her age, being a doctor, Vineeth understood that she is physically and mentally weak.

Sahaanaa asked Vineeth about his family and enquired about his wife and kids, Vineeth replied back with a thundering laugh and told her that he is still single, and the reason for that is certainly not "Sahaana", though Sahaana acted as if she believe his words, felt as if a thorn piercing her heart, she took her kerchief out and pretended well to rub off her tears as if some dust had gone into her eyes, but Vineeth was smart enough to notice that one tear ball which escaped all the guards. Sahaana started narrating the horror she underwent after marrying her husband, she told him how bad and psychic he was, once he got the letters she wrote to Vineeth and he got wild and out of rage he slashed an iron rod on her head which has left a permanent scar on her forehead. "It was a deep cut wound with mild minuscule and partial tissue damage", Sahaana gave him the technical definition of that blow.

Vineeth could only be a listener and he just could not do anything. Sahaana opened up her heart and feelings to Vineeth and regretted her decision of marrying that devil, she hurried herself from the hotel sighting that her husband would be back from work anytime and would blast her if she is not at home, Vineeth's heart skipped a beat to see Sahaana at this pathetic situation. In spite of her torture and trauma, Sahaana had invited Vineeth to her home one day for lunch, and that’s the time where her husband would also be at home. Vineeth went to her place on the day he gave her the appointment, and that was the second time he is seeing her husband. Sahaana's husband did not care much about his presence, he was busy boozing at 10 in the morning. He frequently interrupted Sahaana and ordered her to bring him the snacks and few bottles of whisky even though he was full tight.

Vineeth did not have the mind to eat at her place, he gave her the gift he got for her and then hurried himself out of her place, while he was driving back home, all those lovely college days came into his mind as a flash, he just could not digest the fact that Sahaana is living such a horrible life and he decided to do something for her to get freedom from this devil. He went to her place the next day knowing the fact that Sahaana is not in her house, as usually her husband was heavily drunk and was lying in a pool of vomit on that lovely carpet flooring, he took out his empty syringe from his pocket and administered that into that devil's veins, once the blood vessels developed a air block, all the other parts of the body would run out of oxygen and the person would slowly embrace death, that was the lesson he learnt in his first year. He slowly walked out of her house and left a note on the table saying "The best gift I could give you ..."

He came back to INDIA and then fate took an ugly turn, without able to talk anything further, he busted out with a huge cry. His roommates just could not believe that Vineeth had such a horrible story in himself and somehow he managed to be happy, they all took him back to his room and asked him to take good rest, Vineeth smiled at them telling "Good rest, yes I need to" and slept on his couch. He got up at 12 in the midnight and his mind was replaying those lovely days he spent with Sahaanaa and the good thing he did for her, by 4:00 AM there was a knock at his doorstep, Vineeth went near the door and he stood calm and composed till the police men took him to the dais of death. He was worn a black mask on his face and Sahaana's face came into his mind as a flash, he offered one last smile at that figure and before that could fade out of his mind, the lever was pulled down.


  1. ahem sahana became sandhya in between :P

  2. @Amrita phew ... pitty me. Getting old, and writing too many nonsense stories, so confusing with the names :(

    btw - Your blog seem to be very silent, very busy ah ??


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