One Minute Stories - Part 3

The devil is back to haunt you all with these One Minute Stories ...

Still Smile ...

Little Rohan got out of his school bus and rushed towards his mom screaming on top of his voice "Mom, I have won the first prize" and he showed the cup and other certificates to her and he was super thrilled and excited about that. He knows that his mom will not like him being shabby after coming from school so he rushed to his room, took a neat bath and changed his dress and he took out all the cups and certificates and arranged them inside the cupboard, his mom Vasanthi likes things to be kept clean and neat. Rohan was all excited and he had more fun stories to share with Vasanthi, he opened the refrigerator to see a bowl of pudding which was made for him and his excitement doubled. He started telling the stories of how he fell down while running and hurt his elbow and still managed to gain the momentum and then win the race, he also told her that after winning the race he spit a ball of saliva on his wound which acts as a natural medicine as instructed by his mom, Vasanthi was admiring all this with a still smile on her face, and Rohan did not stop there, he went on saying how the teachers praised him for the level of maturity he has at this young age and continued "Mom, my class teacher told me that, even though you have died, you will always be around me and guiding me, is that true mom ?", Vasanthi still maintained that still smile on her face in the photo and did acknowledge to Rohan in way only he can understand.

Reason ...

A leading pharmaceutical company which had presence all around the globe wanted to try their hands on the middle-east market, they thought that their cough syrup will be selling like hot cakes in the middle east sector and were confident that they can mint money in that segment. They had a lavish launch in Dubai and all leading business men were invited, the king of Dubai was invited and they had a successful launch. Months passed and not even a single bottle of their cough syrup was sold and the company had no clue of what is happening, as that drug is the leading drug in the world. They sent their team of marketing and sales people to figure out what could be the reason for this disaster as the company has started to incur loss in that segment. The team did a thorough analysis and they did not get a clue of why the residents of Middle East are refusing to get their cough syrup. The company called in for an urgent meeting and they finally decided that the leadership in that segment is not good and hence they fired the top guy who headed that branch and they appointed a new person to change things, but even after that the result is the same and not even a single bottle of cough syrup was sold, the company had no option other than shutting down the business. One fine day they took back all the bottles from Middle East and shocked to see a printing mistake which caused this downfall, instead of printing "Shake well before use", they have printed it as "Sheikh well before use"


  1. Sat, kalakkite. The 2nd one was so cute.. But I wonder if people read that much before buying the products :).. But good one, enjoyed it

  2. My fav is first one. Second one one min story category la varaathu (IMO) bt good too.

  3. Finally this time I guess the ending right for the 1st one! Gud one!

    2nd one: I guess I heard it some where...

  4. i cried for 1st one, excellent dude


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