Thank You 2010...

Well, what an amazing roller-coaster year 2010 has been to me, it did a very good job in bringing out all the emotions out of me, it's like how Rajinikanth brings in all the emotions into CHITTI the robot. This year should be marked and highlighted in my life just for the fact that I too got married, though it was a sweet surprise to me, I did manage to handle that surprise very well. Life has changed a lot for me since V moved into my life.

This year started with my marriage and the sequence of events that followed it was nothing less than thrilling and challenging. I know married life is always challenging, it is not less than a higher education one has to undergo without a choice, you got to be a listener at times, you got to be the teacher at times, you got to be the deciding authority at times, likewise one has to play multiple roles and be successful in life.

One important lesson this 2010 taught me is, never give up and withdraw from a problem without even attempting to solve it, it does not matter whether you are solving that problem or not, but leaving it to fail without even giving a try is something suicidal. I learnt the art of listening and keeping calm and cool when situations around you were really hot, I developed a lot more patience and of course the feeing of being loved by someone is simply cool and awesome, in that sense I am really fortunate to have V in my life, at times I wonder if I am really reciprocating all the love and affection V showers on me, but she knows that I am one hell of a person who is not expressive.

This year, especially after my marriage, I was forced to distance myself from some of my very close friends and that was really unfortunate, it is not that easy to bid adieu to a 20 year friendship, but yes, you cannot change fate and we agreed to move on, so deleting contacts from mobile, disconnecting them from all social sites, thought it was just few button clicks, still it hurts a lot. There were a equal ratio of both good and bad moments this year, I want to forget the bad and carry forward the good, I am seriously hoping for a much better 2011.

This year also marks two very important events which brought in immense pleasure in to my life, both the events are marriages, one of my very close buddy and blog mate Chandru's wedding and that too with my fellow blog mate Manisha, I cursed me to death for not attending their wedding, but unfortunately I had a personal function to attend which I could not skip. The next wedding is of my other friend G. This year also happen to be the year where few of my friends marriages turned sour and that was so pinching, but I wish and pray that they should have a much better 2011.

So to wrap it all, I would say that 2010 was a fantabulous year, where it taught me great lessons of life, a marriage, a broken friendship, some betrayal, few backstabbing, but still it gave me the guts to move on, GOD always keeps me special and this year too he had taken care of me very well. He is making me love this life more and more and at the same time he is asking me to keep my environment and surrounding happy, with V on to my left, I think that should not be a problem.

Good Bye 2010 and Welcome 2011.


  1. Thanks for the mention mate :-) Wishing You, "V" and the whole family a wonderful and peaceful New Year :-)

  2. :)Wish you a great 2011

  3. 2010 has been similar for both of us then (except that I am getting married in 2011). Lot of lessons learnt, still lot to learn. But forget all that and say Cheers to 2011 :-)


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