I am a ZOMBIE ...

Ah, I have seen a process getting into ZOMBIE in UNIX, but for the past 10 days, I could see myself getting into a ZOMBIE state. I was almost squeezed to near death at work owing to some firefighting activity. I was slogging almost 18 hours a day and I felt as if the entire world left me stranded and it proceeded further. I did not read newspaper, I did not watch news channels, I did not browse any website (incl my blog). I felt cut from the day to day routine, all I was doing is just glued myself to my laptop in my performance lab ...

My entire bio clock changed and it got terribly confused. Breakfast at 12 noon, lunch at 5 PM, snack at 9 PM and dinner at 2 AM was the routine for almost 10 days now. I am extremely impressed with my fitness and was surprised that I was brisk even at 4 AM in the morning when all the other folks were visibly dead. I even got a bunch of appreciation from my folks saying that I am damn active for my age :p. I just would get 3 to 4 hours a day to sleep and it’s extremely difficult to follow the same practice for almost 11 days now, but to tell the truth, I should admit the fact that I am done today and I am thronging to sleep now, which I will be doing after posting this blog.

One of my very close friends joined me on the 4th and unfortunately he too was forced to burn mid-night oil on his day 1 and it continued till day 2. But working for a long duration after a ling time brought back those nostalgic memories of the good old days I spent in CITIBANK in my older company. How many nights I and my friends would have roamed around MEPZ freely and what all funny chats we used to have during those days and who can ever forget those hilarious coffee sessions we used to have there and I will be more than happy to play a comedian role there, but its all past now and I cannot get those days back. Today I am spending the same mid-night times with another set of people, but even here I am the comedian :).

I wish these midnight burning oil days are far from over as the clients are visiting this week and they are off by next Friday, I hope I will have a good relaxing weekend to follow. I swear that I will be back to my good old blogging days once I am done with my professional commitments, so till such time I request my readers to bare with me and continue supporting me to write more. For the people who have requested for songs, just be patient, I will mail your songs in a short while from now. Bye Bye folks, will talk to you all soon ...


  1. Welcomeeeeee back!! and have a tight sleep :)


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