One day In Chennai ...

One day trip to Chennai was exciting, not only for the fact that I had been to my close friend B's engagement, I settled scores with an house-hold goods maintenance (AC, Fridge, Heater etc.) agency which was fiddling with my dad's innocence and minting money from him without doing anything and last super thing that a kind of closed my day was by playing with my friend's 7 month old kid, and he is always fun to be with and as he has grown up a bit since the last time I saw him, he is now trying to be on his four and rounding the house all the time.

Chennai was not at all hot, contrary to the popular belief; it was a kind of pleasant, but a bit sultry. I first finished off settling scores with the agency folks who came home thinking that my dad would be there, and they probably did not expect me to be at home, for them I am a new comer to that house, and they said, they have to do AC service, and I said, the house has been locked for more than a month, since the last time you guys serviced and hence there is nothing much to service as it has not been switched on. That guy was adamant and he said that he has to service the AC, or else I will lose one "service" and this visit will be counted as a "completed service", this statement a kind of irked me and I said, if you are here to do a "service" just for the heck of it, I don’t need your service anymore and you can walk-off (inside I said F***-O**), this statement irked that fellow, and he said, "We cannot be coming again and again to see a locked house, what do you think, we don’t have any other job other than you house is it ?"

I know I don’t have the patience to deal with such people who are senseless and hence I decided to give him a mouthful, I asked his manager's number or the number of the owner of his agency which he refused to give, and poor guy does not know that there is a service called "yellow pages" which can give me the number of businesses, I called up those folks, got his agency number, then and there got the number of the owner, and called him rite away in front of that service fellow and blasted the owner left, right and center and also made sure that I pass on a complaint against the service person who has come home and who is willing to do his "job" for the heck of it. My blackberry was handed over to that service person and the owner gave his part of mouthful to that service fellow and finally, he asked me "So tell me when should I come again" and I said "This should have been your first statement and you should have asked me this before talking to your owner". I cancelled their contract then and there and initiated a refund as well.

I had my lunch at my friends house and that is the only house (outside my house) where I will have food, apart from that I will not have anything in any of my other friends houses, the reason is, I know her for almost 18 years now and she is my first friend of the opposite sex and she is more an extended family to me and not just a friend. I came home around 3:00 PM and took a power nap and around 7 I went to "New Woodlands" to attend my friend’s engagement. The gang is all from Oracle and I know everyone very well and when I am with my close circle, as you all know, I am a perfect "loda lodaa" and we were pulling each other’s leg and it was total fun. As usually the topic turned towards my marriage and folks had a nice gala time in teasing me. B at last found his match and I would say, the pair looked perfect, at least by the looks, they both looked compatible and I am so happy for B and congrats for him and his fiancé, and I am sure they are gonna have a wonderful life ahead. Knowing B for almost 8 yrs now, he is a no non-sense guy and she is very lucky to have him as her husband. Note to Self - Satish, there is not point in fearing for the waves, bloody one day you have to get into the ocean so be bold.

I had to rush out of the engagement around 8 PM as I wanted to meet my friend's little kiddo and babies sleeping habits are pretty volatile, so I wanted to see him before he sleeps. I reached her house by 8:30 and this little fella was swimming on the floor and keeps circling the house and his mom's leg. I grabbed him on to my shoulders and as usually I tweaked my voice and spoke to him for a full 15 mins and GOD only knows why he laughed so much, he was non-stop laughing whenever I speak with him with a "keech keech" voice, at one stage he started to cough by laughing too much. Took few snaps of that fella and had a brief chat with my friend, she is now managing both personal and professional life in a balance, I know it tough, but still she is doing it very well. This being a one day trip, I could not meet any of my other friends, but I am planning to have a tweet-up with most of my friends during the 3rd week of this month where I will be in Chennai for close to 10 days. On the whole, one more exciting trip to Chennai and I am looking forward to more such trips.


  1. Do I know yr friend ?
    When you are here the next time, kattaayam yenga veetuku vaa.

  2. So, bachelors number in your circle is getting to the minimum...
    ahem ahem..Seri seri neenga innum youth thaan okie....
    Babies - chance eh illaa,, now and then i used to look at Ps snaps taken during his childhood.

  3. oooo that was a hectic trip!!!

  4. Sats, sorry mate we shud hv catch up but for my stupid change of plans...sorry buddy....Is tat "L"'s Kiddo ???


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