
Showing posts from January, 2012

Why this Kolaveri Series ...

With the kind of beating our boys get at the hand of Aussies, I think this is what Dhoni would sing after the end of this "Kolaveri Series ...". Based on the lyrics and tune of the recently famous viral song "Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di ..." I have formed this lyrics for Dhoni. Yo boys, I am playing series, soup series, flop series, why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri Clarke. Distancula ball-u ball-u, ball-u color-u red-u. Siddle color-u white-u white-u, Hilfenhaus romba height-u. Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri Clarke. Weak-u form-u boys-u boys-u, unga form-u nice-u, enga coach-u old-u old-u, unga coach-u bald-u Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri Clarke maamaa bats eduthuko appadiye kaila tickets eduthuko pa pa paan pa pa paan pa pa paa pa pa paan seriyaa aadu super maama podu wickets 1 2 3 4 Wat a change of over maamaa ok maama, now ground change kaila bat-u, only pace... hand la gloves-u kaal la pads-u eyes-u fulla tear-u zero score-u edhir