Alliance ...

Sindhu was walking in the park on an evening where the rain has just sprayed its blissful drops and the earth looked freshly wet, like a wet lip after a tight kiss. Sindhu just could not kill her loneliness any more inside that PG, and hence decided to come out for a walk, also the weather outside tempted her to peep out. Sindhu was thinking about her future, she knows that she needs to be a bread winner for her family, and after the loss of her father, she knew how tough was it for her mom to bring her up, and she was equally worried about her mom's future, if she happens to marry and go with her husband, with all these thoughts lingering in her mind, she was tapped on her shoulder by someone, she just got jerked by that unexpected tap, what a surprise...

It was none other than her colleague Vineeth who had been to the US, she was surprised to see him there and after those initial formal enquiries of how his trip was and how was the work etc etc. Sindhu decided to wish him a bye, she really wanted to be alone and felt neither she nor her thoughts to be disturbed by anyone. Vineeth is not just a colleague for her though, she had some amount of closeness with him and she always look upon him as her good friend and well wisher, but still, that moment pressed upon she just being "alone". Vineeth could read her eyes and instantly he asked, "So what's bothering you?", though she did not expect such a question from him, and just not to let her feelings out, she gave him a sleepish smile and said "No, nothing, I am alright".

Vineeth is a character who does not pester but he is quite witty, he instantly quipped, "Ya I know there is nothing, even in your brains", and tried his best to get that lightening smile from her, but that wasn't enough to get that out. He too sensed that Sindhu was not in her best and hence decided to leave her alone, so he said "Ok yaar, just saw you and thought of telling you a hii, ok I am leaving, bye and take care". Sindhu gave back that sleepish smile and waved him a "Bye", with her thought still worrying about her mom and her future. There were too many questions that aroused as a wave and hit her cerebrum and went back to the cerebellum inside her brain. Should I get married in the first place? Will my husband allow me to go and visit my mom frequently? Will I have a say to have my mom with me all thru her old age? How will she survive all alone after I get married? Those unanswerable queries almost made her feel dizzy.

Just then she got a SMS from Vineeth, and that read as "Life is too short to be spent worrying, Yesterday is past, Tomorrow is future and Today is present, and that is, God’s "present" to us, so lets stop worrying for tomorrow and relish the present", was that SMS forward a coincidence or did Vineeth read my mind, she quizzed herself? Whatever be it is, that SMS was soothing to her worried heart and she promptly replied to him saying "Thanks, and it was news to me, good discovery ;-) (With a smiley)". She went back to her PG and got immersed inside her english novel, it has started to pour cats and dogs outside, and her mobile shivered and the display flashed "Mom calling", what could be a better medicine in this world for a worried heart, than talking to their mother, she was quick to throw off her i-Pod's ear phone and picked up the call. "Hi Mom", was just thinking about you.

Her mom was excited on the other end and she asked her to come to Chennai the coming weekend, Sindhu was puzzled and was quick to ask "Why? It was not the usual weekend where I visit Chennai, I have not booked my tickets yet", her mom said, "I have already couriered you the tickets and you should be receiving it shortly in a day or two", but as we all know, curiosity kills the cat, Sindhu though was not used to ask counter questions to her mom, just kept quite and agreed to come to Chennai the coming weekend. That worried heart became even heavier, the only reason that came on top of her head for her visit to Chennai was about some probable alliance, Sindhu felt as if she is running out of time and her neurons inside the brain refused to work, with "Sidney Sheldon" sleeping over her chest, Sindhu fell asleep.

It was a usual hectic week for Sindhu at work and she just could not wait for the weekend to come. There came friday and Sindhu rushed to the cantonment station to catch her train to Chennai. As expected it was about an alliance and moment her mom opened that topic, Sindhu was into tears, it turned into a deep throated cry and at one stage it burst into a heavy crying with saliva oozing out of her mouth like a broken dam, she screamed to her mom that she does not want to get married in life and she would not want to leave her all alone and be selfish in her life, and buried her sobbing face onto her mom's lap, though her mom was equally moved by her daughter's affection towards her, she said, "Yes my dear, I know I can't live all alone when you are gone after your marriage and that's why I had decided to get re-married and that is the alliance I wanted to talk to you" and that's why you are here.

Moral of the Story: Life always throws surprises at us :-), so never EXPECT anything. HahahahahA


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