Missing ... Angel ...

It was one cold winter morning Vineeth stepped out to his balcony with a hot cup of coffee and a well covered shawl around his head covering his ear. There was this sudden sense of chillness which kissed his brain as he rested his naked forearm on that cold iron railing which almost made him freeze for a moment, he immedieatly rolled out his folded sweater to run till his wrist, and felt as if he has won the battle between that bitter cold and his naked forearm. With memories lingering in his thoughts about a variety of things, he kissed the rim of his coffee cup to take a hot sip to warm-up his cold nerves ...

One night of missing Sindhu, his wife, made him feel as if he missed her for years together, he knows that he is over reacting to the situation, but his heart confirmed that he really miss her a lot. He cursed himself for not being bold and acting very timid in facing tough situations of life, but he told himself that one has to learn things in life by experience and this is one such phase where he has started to learn. As everyone knows, we generally dont appreciate a person when they are around us, but we will feel their worth and need only when they are not with us, this thought in his mind opened up his tear gates and a few droplets spoiled that sweet cup of coffee by adding a salty tinge to its taste.

Still its cold outside and coffee is hot, Vineeth, went back to the first day he met her in his life as one of his probable alliance in a near by restaurant at a common place, it was actually an un-willing act that he did, just because he needs to obey his parents. He was not dressed up in his best and adding on to that was a week long beard which has surfaced around his cheeks, he saw her coming to the restaurant well before him and after seeing her, he exchanged a sleepish "Hi" but was greeted with a jubuilant "Hiiiiiii" form Sindhu, which actually injected a whole bunch of enthusiasm cells into his blood. Both of them started talking to each other by confessing their negatives to each other, Sandhya was quick to say that she is a "lil self-centered, lil over ambitious, lil too talkative, lil too moody" and Vineeth was equally fast in his confessions by saying, He is a "lil restless, lil too lazy, lil too careless, lil too scary and extremely absent minded". It was more like a confession room but without a pastor around.

Sindhu was the first one to say that she likes him and she does not mind what he decides, but wanted to be more clear in what she thinks. This sense of clarity and openess Vineeth liked, but he did not let the cat out of the bag, and he responded saying that he needs sometime to think, Sindhu affirmed him saying, "No silly feelings" and she is ready to digest any answer from him, and waved her hand at him added with a wink when she left the restaurant. That was the moment Vineeth felt that he has found his girl, but men will always be men and will not let their emotions out. He headed straight to home and pretended as if he needs to think for somemore time to decide and did not say anything to his parents for the next to days, as he was always thinking about Sindhu and hence forgot to tell his decision to his parents., as we know he is extremely absent minded". A month after that, he had his dream girl next to him as his wife.

Still its cold out side and the coffee is warm and memories started to freeze. Sindhu is a very bold person, she has a very broader and an optimistic outlook of life, but Vineeth on the other hand is a very conservative personality and never ventures to take risks in life, a kind of emotionally imbalanced person and that emotional imbalance is the one which is making him feel terrible when Sindhu is not around him, she is his stength, courage, support and life. Vineeth felt the coffee is getting warm and so his nerves, he still wants to be their in his balcony for somemore time for some reason. Again this incident of Sindhu went missing at an alien country came into his mind.

It was their first outing together abroad and they were enjoying their honeymoon at Mauritius, it all started very well as planned but it turned ugly when Sindhu decided to take bath in that roaring beach of Mauritius inspite of Vineeth's disapproval, but you cannot say a NO when a beautiful angel is requesting you with that infectious smile on her face. Sindhu jumped straight into the sea and Vineeth was keeping a telescopic eye on her since the moment she jumped in, but nature is much faster than we think, so in no time a big tide came from nowhere and took Sindhu off his sight, he became so restless and after waiting for more than 5 minutes he could not see his angel, he screamed for help and coast guards rushed to the scene and there was total pandemonium at the shores of Mauritius, immedieately the coast guards jumped into action in search for Sindhu and Vineeth was crying buckets at the shore with his nose woosing out all the unwanted water from his body in form of a viscous fluid.

Neiling down on those wet shores and immersing both of his kees into the sand and with his hands clasped together and his lips uttering all those broken slogas that he knows, he felt a tap on his back with a wild non-stop laughter and that was his angel Sindhu, just that he could not control his emotion of happiness on seeing Sindhu, he broke down heavily on her laps but Sindhu was still laughing and slowly Vineeth too was dragged into her laughter and this time that woosing viscous liquid from his nose entered his mouth over coming the mustache dam. Sindhu comforted him saying that she is alright and she knows swimming and hence could manage to reach the shore. This support and comfort feeling is what Vineeth is missing right now, the absence of Sindhu was killing him slowly and the irritation he has on himself for being so timid in life developed a sense of frustration on himself. Its still cold outside and also inside the coffee cup.

There came a call to his cell phone, which really made him shiver, he just could not dare to take that call, but he knows he has to, by gathering all the little courage he had, he picked up his phone and the voice at the other side screamed "Congratulations, Vineeth, you have been blessed with a baby girl, now you dont need to have any fear in stepping into the hospital and waiting those anxious moments, Sindhu is doing absolutely fine, so please sack all your fears and rush to the hospital to see your little daughter" said his father-in-law. Vineeth was flying up in the air and wished he could have obliged Sindhu's request of watching her delivery LIVE, but its just that he is too scared, he didn't do that. As we know, Vineeth is "lil too scary ..."


  1. thaangalai. eppadi thaan ippadi laam yosikariyo??

  2. Ava peru Sandhyava Sindhuva? modalla ada decide pannu :)))


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